Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Glare can sometimes limit the effectiveness of live-view LCDs when working in very bright environments. Though some information can usually be seen with effort, it may be easier to use a viewfinder. (First published Oct 6, 2010)

09.May.08If one is available for your camera system, a fully manual, battery-independent film body is a good backup to have in case your batteries run out or you wind up working in very cold weather.

08.May.08Investing in a full studio photography setup, including lighting, cameras, and tripods can be pricey! If you're intending to make a living through this kind of photography, be sure to account for all the expensive gear.

07.May.08Most tools in photography software allow much higher amounts of adjustment than most photographers would normally want. Usually, only a tiny fraction of the allowable adjustment is used.

06.May.08Photographers are unique because they can (and have to) make art on location, sometimes in harsh conditions. Try using photography to make art that other artists working in other mediums can't.

05.May.08To create a soft focus look without any special equipment, try defocusing your lens for the last quarter of a long tripod exposure. This works best for a scene with bright highlights.

04.May.08Before buying a used piece of equipment, particularly a lens, make and inspect some photos with it at various settings and in various conditions. Only this will tell you if the equipment has been damaged.

03.May.08Don't take ordinary photos all the time. Art, by definition, is the product of human creativity. Make photographs that inspire you, and don't worry if they look different than others you've seen.

02.May.08To reduce the red eye effect in portraits without making your subject squint, use a flash that is slightly off-camera. An external, top mounted flash is usually good enough.

01.May.08A true panoramic photograph is made with a wide format camera or by merging many photos. However, some camera manufacturers fake the panoramic format by simply trimming the frame and reducing the resolution.

30.Apr.08Use infinite lines in some of your compositions – lines that don't begin or end in the frame. Infinite lines cue the viewer to imagine the world outside the photograph.

29.Apr.08Retailers make it seem as though a lens with more elements or more groups is a better lens. Though lens design is crucial, lens quality cannot be found by simply counting elements or groups.

28.Apr.08Try to appeal to many senses with your photography. Though it may seem impossible, great photographs can stimulate the viewer to touch, hear, smell and taste as well as see.

27.Apr.08For better outdoor portraits, use a flash to fill in harsh shadows. For even more interesting results, try positioning the flash off-camera and triggering it remotely.

26.Apr.08When removing dust spots from a digital photograph, a sharpening tool can be useful to separate dust from image detail. Simply apply the sharpening tool, check for dust, then undo the tool and fix the image.

25.Apr.08Using reflections in your photographs can make a small scene expand, giving you more options for your composition and more angles to photograph from.