Daily Photo Tips Archive

Page 19

These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Most digital sensors are designed to capture a maximal bit depth at a 'daylight' white balance. Capturing photographs at around 5000-6000K will make full use of the sensor's capabilities; shifting the white balance dramatically will slightly impair the bit depth of the resulting photograph. (First published Feb 21, 2011)

08.Jun.11An autofocus assist lamp, usually found on passive autofocus system cameras, sends out a beam of light to help the autofocus system in dim situations. The beam will only help find focus on nearby subjects.

07.Jun.11A photography website doesn't have to be fancy and flashy to be effective. At its most basic, a photography website only needs to show a small selection of your highest quality photography.

06.Jun.11Most non-pro lenses and camera bodies are not weather or dust sealed. A few drops of water won't hurt, but if you plan on using these models in bad weather, you'll have to protect them.

05.Jun.11Autofocus systems don't usually analyze data from the extreme edges of the frame. Since some lenses may not be sharp along edges and in corners, AF points there may never find correct focus.

04.Jun.11JPEG and TIFF image formats do not support alpha (transparency) values. Only GIF and PNG support this channel: common photography formats will always cover up the content behind them on a website.

03.Jun.11'Active' autofocus systems measure the distance to a subject without the optical system. Active AF systems range with an infrared or ultrasonic signal, then adjust the optical system to suit the measurement.

02.Jun.11To arrange photography for online viewing, one must grab the viewer's attention immediately, but offer good, high-quality imagery to keep them interested. The Internet is full of distractions, so you must display your work effectively and make your website worth visiting!

01.Jun.11Contrast detection autofocus systems work by analyzing tonal differences between adjacent pixels in the 'target area' of the photograph. This method is more software intensive than phase detect systems, but requires no special hardware.

31.May.11You can either make a pinhole lens for your existing camera setup, or even make the entire camera by adding a box and a holder for film or photographic paper. Some of the many attractions of pinhole photography are its affordability and accessibility!

30.May.11If you're planning on staying in the same place for a few days, set up a 'home base' with battery chargers and everything else you will need between photography outings. This will make refreshing your field gear easy and will allow for more time in the field.

29.May.11Particularly if you use your website as a portfolio, make sure the photography is easily and quickly accessible. Galleries, agencies, and other professionals won't wait for long page loads or introductions before moving on to the next photographer.

28.May.11Expect photography in the rain, snow, or other inclement weather to take longer and be less productive than usual. Working in inclement weather requires more time to cope with protective equipment and travel than working on fair days.

27.May.11Phase detection autofocus systems work by 'splitting' adjacent light beams, then analyzing them for similarity. By comparing the beams, the system can determine if a particular part of the frame is in focus.

26.May.11Subjects, as well as equipment and techniques, determine how sharp or colourful a photograph becomes. All the know-how and technology in the world cannot make a bland subject seem interesting!

25.May.11Don't be afraid to have fun with your work and the ways you display it! The arts and publishing worlds can be restrictive and formal, but adding creativity and energy can often help make your work more noticeable and pleasant to be around.