Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Glare can sometimes limit the effectiveness of live-view LCDs when working in very bright environments. Though some information can usually be seen with effort, it may be easier to use a viewfinder. (First published Oct 6, 2010)

23.Jul.11The autofocus assist lamp, used to help focus in dim light, usually has a double purpose. Some cameras use the built-in flash; others use the LED in the count-down timer lamp.

22.Jul.11Contrast detection autofocus systems are more common on mirrorless camera systems. These systems have live-view sensors, and so can analyze contrast between adjacent pixels in real time.

21.Jul.11If you decide to place ads on your photography website, keep track of user statistics before and after the ad placement. If you notice that users tend to view fewer of your photographs after the ads were placed, consider removing them.

20.Jul.11If you add extra bells and whistles to your website, make sure they enhance your photography. Lots of extra features can sometimes draw too much attention to the website itself, causing viewers to largely ignore your work.

19.Jul.11When carrying a camera around your neck, be aware that belt buckles and zipper pulls can scratch LCD displays or uncapped lenses. Hold your camera in your hand, put it in its case, or avoid wearing metal items.

18.Jul.11Pinhole photography quality depends largely on the size and precision of the pinhole itself. The ratio of lens distance / pinhole size is important, as is the roundness if the hole and the thickness of the material.

17.Jul.11There is never a need to focus a pinhole camera. Since the aperture is so small, the lens will have a nearly infinite depth of field. Changing the aperture-sensor distance only changes the effective focal length of the lens.

16.Jul.11'Trap' focus is the process of using the autofocus system to detect when a subject moves into the pre-set focus plane. Using trap focus, it is possible to make in-focus pictures of very quickly moving objects.

15.Jul.11A pinhole lens will allow moisture into the camera body. This means that sudden changes in temperature in humid conditions can cause water droplets to build up on the sensor. Allow your equipment to acclimatize with a regular lens attached.

14.Jul.11Some scenes lose their sense of movement when 'stopped' in a still photograph. Time-sensitive techniques, like long exposures, can help re-introduce a sense of time to the photograph.

13.Jul.11Inferior photography can sometimes add more to a gallery than superior photos. Since it is the partly the arrangement of the photography that makes the gallery attractive, every picture must complement the others.

12.Jul.11The purpose of the diopter adjustment is to bring viewfinder details and the focus screen to an apparent distance that is comfortable for your eye to focus on. Different people will prefer different diopter settings.

11.Jul.11Contrast detection autofocus systems, at least in theory, may have an infinite number of autofocus points. Since the system senses contrast between adjacent pixels, the manufacturer may add AF points with a simple software change.

10.Jul.11Thumbnail photos, particularly when shown in a group, can be easy to oversharpen. Oversharpening leads to exaggerated detail, and can make a webpage full of thumbnails seem busy and difficult to scan.

09.Jul.11If you're working in the rain with a waterproof housing, an unshaded lens port will likely require constant wiping to keep it free of raindrops. Keep a few pieces of optical-safe cloth in your pockets.