Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Most digital sensors are designed to capture a maximal bit depth at a 'daylight' white balance. Capturing photographs at around 5000-6000K will make full use of the sensor's capabilities; shifting the white balance dramatically will slightly impair the bit depth of the resulting photograph. (First published Feb 21, 2011)

19.Jan.09If you're using a telephoto lens to create a stereographic image, the objects in the image may appear flattened, as you'd expect from a telephoto lens. The scene will appear to be 3D, but the objects in it may appear flat.

18.Jan.09Posterization is the 'banding' of areas of smooth tonal graduations in a photograph. Posterization usually happens when making adjustments in photo software, especially on a low bit-depth image.

17.Jan.09Any complete horizontal line will tend to separate the photo into two parts. This is analogous to the horizon line in traditional compositions.

16.Jan.09If you're looking for a space to hang your fine art photographs, don't just stick to museums and galleries. Small shops, cafes, and other public spaces often hang art too!

15.Jan.09If moisture fogs up an internal lens element, try working the focus or zoom rings on the lens repeatedly back and forth in a warm, dry room. This allows a small amount of air to evaporate the moisture.

14.Jan.09Be aware that indoor lights will appear as deep orange when photographed with an outdoor colour balance. If you want white light, use a flash, adjust your white balance, or use indoor balanced film.

13.Jan.09Though equivalent to two or three fixed focal length (prime) lenses, zoom lenses are often many times the price of primes. If all you need is a single focal length, a prime can be a cheaper choice.

12.Jan.09When traveling, it can be useful to run your equipment solely on AA batteries. Recharging batteries can be a hassle, and exotic camera batteries can be impossible to find in foreign locales.

11.Jan.09Abstract photography is not always simple. A photograph can be richly textured and detailed, yet can still display its subject in a way that calls attention to its mood instead of its label.

10.Jan.09When photographing a large area of bright red, green or blue, be aware that increased noise or grain clustering can occur in that area of the resulting image.

09.Jan.09'Image precision' refers to how much blur there is in the final image, or the radiometric quality of the image. Precision can also be used to qualify lenses. A precise lens is one with few aberrations.

08.Jan.09To make snow look white in a photograph, it must be overexposed by at least a stop or two. Snow exposed as suggested by your light meter will look dirty and grey.

07.Jan.09Polarizing filters have the most pronounced effect at 90 degrees from the sun. Cock your hand like a gun and point your thumb at the sun – the arc your finger can follow is the path of maximum polarization.

06.Jan.09If you use a slow shutter speed with a moving subject, try to imagine what shape the subject will take in your photograph. Objects moving in a line will 'streak' through your photo.

05.Jan.09Pinhole cameras are simple (usually homemade) cameras constructed with a tiny hole as the lens. This hole focuses the light onto a piece of film or photo paper in a light-tight box.