Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Glare can sometimes limit the effectiveness of live-view LCDs when working in very bright environments. Though some information can usually be seen with effort, it may be easier to use a viewfinder. (First published Oct 6, 2010)

25.Feb.16Fungus intrusion can mean the end of a lens. If you work in a damp area, make sure your lenses get dried properly after each use, and make sure they travel with a desiccant pack.

24.Feb.16Make sure you take proper care of your camera after exposure to dust or wet conditions. Minor exposure to the elements is usually OK, as long as water and dust aren't allowed to penetrate the camera.

23.Feb.16Carry a cheap, compact rain sleeve in your camera bag. If the weather is dusty or wet, the sleeve can make the difference between taking great photos and putting your camera away.

22.Feb.16If you can, take a spare body when travelling, even if it is of lesser quality than your primary body. It can be surprisingly expensive and awkward to replace equipment on the road, and you'll miss many photos every day if your camera breaks or is stolen!

21.Feb.16A tripod can crash to the ground with more force than a camera dropped from a hand. Especially if your camera strap isn't secured, make sure your tripod is firmly anchored and out of the wind before stepping away from it.

20.Feb.16Dust can be just as damaging to un-sealed photography equipment as water can. Dust can work its way into seals, focus motors, and mechanisms, eventually causing mechanical or electrical malfunction.

19.Feb.16A camera strap flapping in the wind can blur a tripod-mounted photo. Secure straps tightly and, as much as possible, shield the tripod from the wind before making exposures.

04.Dec.15You might find that your current psychological state affects your work more than you would care to admit. Often we only see the effect of our moods in our work later on, while others might spot trends right away.

03.Dec.15Photography can be a great way to meet people in your community. Photo clubs, photo shoots, and gallery shows can introduce you to people you'd otherwise never meet!

02.Dec.15If you're interested in sports, landscape or other outdoor photography, taking photos can be a good source of exercise. Often, getting the shot requires a fair bit of hustle, sometimes carrying large amounts of equipment!

01.Dec.15As with all large purchases, develop and stick to a long-term budget for photography equipment. It's easy to spend too much, especially when you start researching gear, and your budget will help keep costs in perspective.

30.Nov.15'Collecting' photo gear, especially older equipment, is an art in itself. It's tough to tell what is unusual or valuable without a significant amount of knowledge and experience.

29.Nov.15Sales are a great way to stock up on photography gear – but only if you need the gear to begin with! Don't get suckered into buying something you don't need only because it's cheap.

27.Nov.15Even when you pore over your photography for some time, not all the photos you choose to show will be a hit. As they are viewed more and more, your own changing opinions and input from others will further 'cull' and strengthen your work.

26.Nov.15Some lenses, especially on newer system-style cameras, expand or unfold electronically when the camera is turned on. Make sure to not restrict this movement, as doing so may harm the internal workings of the lens.