Daily Photo Tips Archive

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These photography tips are a record of new entries to the Daily Photo Tips RSS feed since November 2007. There are currently 1567 tips in the database! Contact Me to comment or add tips.

Daily Photo Tip

Glare can sometimes limit the effectiveness of live-view LCDs when working in very bright environments. Though some information can usually be seen with effort, it may be easier to use a viewfinder. (First published Oct 6, 2010)

23.Feb.11'Storytelling' photography contests judge which group of images best tell a story. Aesthetics, composition, and image quality are judged as well, but a cohesive and interesting story becomes a strong component.

22.Feb.11New photography genres are sometimes created simply by new thinking about photography and art. These new genres, which are not based on new technology or societal issues, are often the most interesting and exciting to explore.

21.Feb.11Most digital sensors are designed to capture a maximal bit depth at a 'daylight' white balance. Capturing photographs at around 5000-6000K will make full use of the sensor's capabilities; shifting the white balance dramatically will slightly impair the bit depth of the resulting photograph.

20.Feb.11Get as much sleep as you can, even if it means having less time for photography. Being chronically or acutely tired will make many tasks, especially creative ones, more difficult to do well.

19.Feb.11Some types of rock, like sandstone, tend to absorb water. These rock types are not as interesting while wet, but tend to dry in patches, making for elusively temporary but interesting patterns on a warm day after a rain.

18.Feb.11When working in extreme temperatures, it is important to let your body acclimatize properly. Heat or cold can be taxing or even dangerous if you are not accustomed to it – work only for short periods at first!

17.Feb.11Don't be intimidated by another photographer's experience and expertise. Many expert photographers are quite interested in the work of other artists, and can provide excellent critiques and advice.

16.Feb.11Part of setting goals, especially in a creative discipline, is rewarding yourself when you reach them. Be sure to do something fun following a big accomplishment!

15.Feb.11Every time you change a lens, take note of what could happen if you drop it. You must take even more care than normal when changing a lens near water, hard surfaces or drop-offs.

14.Feb.11If taken too far, competition with other photographers can be poisonous and unproductive. Be sure that competitions are fair and friendly, and make sure they are intended to improve everyone's work.

13.Feb.11When talking with other photographers, don't just talk about gear. Equipment is only one aspect of photography: subjects, techniques, locations and a myriad of other topics are all great to share.

12.Feb.11To find out what type of photography contest judges prefer, look at winning photographs from past contests. Comparing your work to confirmed winners will give you an idea of which, if any, of your photographs to submit.

11.Feb.11If you cannot surround yourself with physical beauty as inspiration for your art, take notice of other types of beauty: there are reminders everywhere of how incredible the world is, each of them waiting to be translated into a photograph.

10.Feb.11The object that inspires you to make a photo does not have to be the subject of the photo. We often carry inspiration with us for minutes, hours or years before finally finding an outlet for it in our work.

09.Feb.11Don't dismiss the chance to talk to another photographer because they are not as experienced as yourself. Beginners can still have great ideas, and can also share a lot of raw enthusiasm with a crusty pro.