Silo, Stairs

Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Silo, Stairs: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2004) - Abstract photograph showing a yellow fire escape winding down a huge grain silo

The enormous scale of these grain silos and the alien equipment surrounding them made it difficult to imagine how human beings could possibly have created such a thing, much less how something so small wouldn't be swallowed up in their workings. The size and the weight of the huge concrete buildings was quietly terrifying, a minor reminder of the true scale of our world.

I liked the tonal changes in the cylindrical walls of this silo, especially the dark water streaks that provide a break from the vertical pattern. The stairway is a contrast in hue, and sets the scale of humans against that of their structures.

— Silo, Stairs: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2004)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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