Evil Spirits (B&W)

Salton Sea, CA (Artist Statement)

Evil Spirits (B&W): Salton Sea, CA, USA (2012) - Fine art B&W photograph showing the remains of a structure and scattered objects on a salt flat

Evil spirits certainly seemed to haunt this place. People surely were responsible for the graffiti and strange arrangements of things on the salt pan, but there was distrust and ill will bleeding out of the broken structures like black sap. Time and tragedy had produced an infection that I could see even in the red eyes of the few remaining locals.

The composition of this photograph is interesting – the horizon tilts dramatically but many of the objects stay vertical. It is as though there are two very separate nearby dimensions, one polarized within the other, containing demons visible with only a tip of the head.

— Evil Spirits (B&W): Salton Sea, CA, USA (2012)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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