Bladed Grass, Cold Dew

Coquihalla Summit, BC (Artist Statement)

Bladed Grass, Cold Dew: Coquihalla Summit, BC, Canada (2011) - Abstract macro photograph showing perfect beads of morning dew clinging to razor-thin blades of grass

Rising from my tent beside an alpine lake, I was happy to see tiny lenses of dew jewelling the foreshore meadow. After enjoying the quiet for a time, I set up my tripod and photographed the grasses with a macro lens. As I worked, morning light gradually found the valley.

The stillness that can sometimes be found in Nature amazes me: even as the lake was touched by sunlight and tiny fish began to jump, these grasses remained motionless. It was as though the meadows had paused mid-breath, and might at any moment spring back into motion. I worked quickly and quietly, not wanting to disturb the silence, not wanting the alpine meadow to stir with the presence of Man.

— Bladed Grass, Cold Dew: Coquihalla Summit, BC, Canada (2011)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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