Glass, Speckles, Refraction

Calgary, AB (Artist Statement)

Glass, Speckles, Refraction: Calgary, AB, Canada (2010) - Abstract macro photograph showing beams of colour and details in a water glass

Occasionally, I don't go further than my own home for a photograph; however, I usually have trouble seeing common things in new ways when they are part of my everyday routine. The water glass in this photograph is no exception – but for some reason, while putting off the start of another project at my computer, I was able to see it differently this time.

I liked the tiny nicks in the glass's otherwise smooth, angled surface. I used a macro lens and a wide aperture to focus on the spots while blurring the refracted highlights from my computer monitor behind it. To me, it looks a little like stars amidst the Northern Lights.

I wish I could make photographs like this more often. Moments like this make me feel like I could create something beautiful just by searching for it.

— Glass, Speckles, Refraction: Calgary, AB, Canada (2010)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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