Burnt Plaster

Near El Chorro, Spain (Artist Statement)

Burnt Plaster: Near El Chorro, Spain (2006) - Abstract photo of singed plaster and wood in an abandoned house

Most of the houses in this tiny Spanish village were submerged when a hydroelectric dam flooded the valley floor. The few buildings left now are services for seasonal tourists. Any old houses that escaped the water stand abandoned, empty brick and plaster shells above a bygone utopian canyon lined with orange and olive trees.

I photographed this old house standing amidst broken glass and graffiti, looking up past burnt walls towards the daylight. The day was windy and cold, but I could still faintly smell the orange tree that still grows amidst wild grass in the yard.

— Burnt Plaster: Near El Chorro, Spain (2006)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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