Ad Wall, Walking Figure (B&W)

Madrid, Spain (Artist Statement)

Ad Wall, Walking Figure (B&W): Madrid, Spain (2006) - Abstract black and white photograph of a blurry figure walking past the chaotic shapes of advertisements that have been torn from a wall

As Terri and I climbed the stairs from the sterile subway to the city, we were all at once surrounded by the impossibly narrow roads and looming gothic buildings of Old Madrid. Reeling from jetlag, we spent the day wandering the loud, angular streets, swimming through Madrid's rich history and the thrilling press of people.

Days later, I photographed this aggressively patterned wall from across the street. The business day was long done, but thick crowds still washed the sidewalks. I used a slow shutter speed to blur the walkers and produce a feeling of urgency and anonymity. I made many interesting exposures, but I liked this man's posture and accusing stare the best.

— Ad Wall, Walking Figure (B&W): Madrid, Spain (2006)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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