Petals, Water

Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Petals, Water: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005) - Fine art photograph showing pink tree flower petals gently floating on black water

These petals had fallen all at once from their tree, and coated the ground so thickly that walking through them was like pushing through ankle-deep snow. Near the edge of the pile, they floated on the surface of this puddle lightly and evenly, with only the meniscus of the water visible between them.

What I like most about this photograph is how the dark water clings to the petals, forming perfect, rounded reflections. It's comforting, and quiet, like a smooth dark rock or the tired end to a long day. To me, the water looks like warm, soft black velvet.

— Petals, Water: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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