Rocky Shore, Surf (B&W)

Near Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Rocky Shore, Surf (B&W): Near Vancouver, BC, Canada (2003) - Abstract black and white photograph of misty water crashing over rough, luminescent grey rocks

It was the movement of the late afternoon waves that first attracted me to this place. A wave would roll gently in, swirl around the rocks, and recede just in time for another wave to swell. It was like watching storm clouds swirl over the landscape.

Kneeling down on the edge of this small cliff, I looked at the shape of the rocks below me, the way they had been broken and shaped by the gentle, consistent motion of the sea. As the light waned, I made this single exposure of the rocks and water, leaving the camera's shutter open long to emphasize the storm-like motion of the ocean.

— Rocky Shore, Surf (B&W): Near Vancouver, BC, Canada (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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