Stacked Stones

Near Bryce Canyon, UT (Artist Statement)

Stacked Stones: Near Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003) - Abstract photograph of eroded sandstone blocks, stacked together in patterns

This vast stretch of rolling red solid sandstone was living evidence of an ongoing geologic decomposition. Layers of the slab had cracked apart, leaving sections of rock to be worn and weathered. Beautiful patterns of coloured stones in various states of decay littered the landscape. I had the feeling that to move one would be to interrupt a long history, yet they simply sat, out in the open and unattached, vulnerable yet undisturbed.

I photographed this group of stones in a way that told their story, skewing the sense of geological scale and balancing the stones themselves with a feeling of brightly textured space.

— Stacked Stones: Near Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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