Faded Maple Leaf, Snowy Day

Squamish, BC (Artist Statement)

Faded Maple Leaf, Snowy Day: Squamish, BC, Canada (2002) - Fine art photo of a faded maple leaf hanging in bare branches against a brilliant background of snow

I made this photo while wandering in the rainforest after a rare Squamish snowfall. It was refreshing to see the normally wet environment frozen and white. A paradigm had shifted, as in the mind of a man who suddenly decides to walk the wrong way on a busy street.

Giant Maple leaves were still hanging to and fro, leftovers from the fall when they covered the ground in thick, pungent piles. Some had been caught in branches; others were pasted to the side of wet tree trunks. The leaves contrasted with the snow oddly and perfectly, each seeming like a symbol of a different corner of the world.

I composed this scene as bluntly and chaotically as I could, trying to resister the slightly unsettled mood of the day in a photograph. The many acute angles and the shallow depth of field keep the focus on the moment, while the water glistens on the snow as a reminder that the moment will be short.

— Faded Maple Leaf, Snowy Day: Squamish, BC, Canada (2002)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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