Dark Trees, Silo (B&W)

Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Dark Trees, Silo (B&W): Vancouver, BC, Canada (2004) - Abstract black and white photograph of black tree branches against the rigid, stacked lines of a grain silo

These bare trees formed chaotic silhouettes against the even, repetitive shapes of the grain silo behind them. The contrast in pattern and tone was dramatic – an ironic clash of serene and angry lines.

To photograph the vertical lines of the silo, I had to climb high into the substructure of a nearby bridge, setting up my tripod on a giant concrete block.

Looking at this photograph now, I can still remember the roar of traffic echoing under the bridge, all but drowning out the click-clack of wind blowing through dry branches.

— Dark Trees, Silo (B&W): Vancouver, BC, Canada (2004)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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