Sun, Clouds, Snow

Near Elfin Lakes, BC (Artist Statement)

Sun, Clouds, Snow: Near Elfin Lakes, BC, Canada (2002) - Fine art photograph of an eclipsed sun, swirling clouds, and trees in the snow

I made this photograph from high on a mountain ridge during a partial eclipse of the sun. I had hiked up early in the day in hopes of photographing the eclipse, and I watched through a heavily filtered camera lens as the moon slowly crept in front of the sun. Though the sun was almost as bright as normal, the day seemed unsettled and strangely quiet.

I made many interesting photographs of the eclipse, but this was my favorite from the series. The day's eerie calm is well represented here. A dark mountain scene floats below the strange sun, a ghost ship on a giant swell. The eclipsed sun is evidenced only by its faint solar halo, asymmetrical and incomplete like the sun itself.

— Sun, Clouds, Snow: Near Elfin Lakes, BC, Canada (2002)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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