Leaf, Ice, Reflections (B&W)

Squamish, BC (Artist Statement)

Leaf, Ice, Reflections (B&W): Squamish, BC, Canada (2001) - Abstract black and white photograph of a partly frozen pool of water, floating leaves, and reflections of the forest and sky

I was attracted first to the swirls in the ice in this reflection pool. The swooping shapes reminded me of gentle ocean waves. As I knelt carefully on the narrow log for a closer look, I was struck by the depth of the scene, and the way the lines of the reflected trees seemed to converge on the single dried leaf caught on the ice.

I photographed the leaf and the ice in that way, staying as still as I could manage on the floating log. I had time for only one exposure in the cold, rapidly fading evening light before making my way home in the dark.

— Leaf, Ice, Reflections (B&W): Squamish, BC, Canada (2001)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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