Two Salted Pillars (B&W)

Salton Sea, CA (Artist Statement)

Two Salted Pillars (B&W): Salton Sea, CA, USA (2011) - Fine art B&W photograph showing bridge piers crusted in salt and barnacles against a dramatic cloudy sky

In this place of salt, of ferocious heat, and of insanity, things must surely wander to the desert only to die of thirst or exposure or broken will. Even doomed fish lined this saline shore, on beaches of white bones, hatched whole only to wash ashore and die.

The book of Genesis came to mind as I photographed these pillars, but in a state more bizarre and twisted than the bible tells it. I like the repeated shapes in this image, the deserters, fleeing evil but stopped forever by some impatient god. Perhaps the environs of the time were like this one: hot and parched and lonely enough to drive mad even the holiest and most devout.

There are more than two pillars of salt in this image, and many more on the beach. In time, perhaps lingering visitors are added to the wayward cast like dirty treasures on a child's windowsill.

— Two Salted Pillars (B&W): Salton Sea, CA, USA (2011)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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