Shadows, Painted Bubbles

Near Tofino, BC (Artist Statement)

Shadows, Painted Bubbles: Near Tofino, BC, Canada (2011) - Abstract photograph showing blurred bubbles on one side of the frame and a muted pastel background on the other

I like the threatening look of this photograph. There is something in the stream – maybe not below the surface, but within the water itself. A fluid menace: undrinkable, polluted not by chemicals but by ill ease and bad spirits.

In the last moments of the day, sunset clouds still reflected copper light into this bubbling brook. I focused my lens beneath the surface on a plane just out of reach. It was the last photo set of the day, and I lingered there until dark, listening to the sound of the ocean and thinking about how I still don't really trust the water.

— Shadows, Painted Bubbles: Near Tofino, BC, Canada (2011)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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