Seawater, Waving Weeds

Near Tofino, BC (Artist Statement)

Seawater, Waving Weeds: Near Tofino, BC, Canada (2011) - Abstract photograph showing thin green weeds waving gracefully in the shallows of a blue ocean

I love how details in a landscape often echo the larger parts: ripples in dunes reveal the wind from the night; scalloped rocks form fractals of coastal bays; peppered divots in sand imitate rain. These tidepool reeds made a picture of the sea, swaying as though to music, clotting the surface and preventing me from seeing the dangers underneath.

I saw this little scene at rest – at high tide, the reeds must whip and dance, the current tearing at the roots and smashing on the rocks. I wonder what happens to the life in the little pools then, when the waves come. Perhaps it is a question that we could also ask, on a different scale, of ourselves.

— Seawater, Waving Weeds: Near Tofino, BC, Canada (2011)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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