Surface Bubbles, Refracted Sky

Near San Ignacio, Belize (Artist Statement)

Surface Bubbles, Refracted Sky: Near San Ignacio, Belize (2010) - Abstract photograph of bubbles and refracted skylight from below the surface of the water

I like the unsettling perspective of this photograph: a reversing of the viewer's place. It is automatic to assume that one is looking at the bubbling creek from above. Only the blurry bubbles and refracted sunlight suggest that the viewer is looking up, not down, through the water – as though drowning.

The surface of water has always been a fascination of mine: this invisible dividing plane between two worlds. Each medium is clear, but the difference in densities between them bends the light and distorts the view from one to the other. It is easy to assume that the world of water is wavy and distorted; however, from below the bubbling surface, it would seem that the same was true for the world of air.

— Surface Bubbles, Refracted Sky: Near San Ignacio, Belize (2010)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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