Blurred Reflections, Scattered Foam

Calgary, AB (Artist Statement)

Blurred Reflections, Scattered Foam: Calgary, AB, Canada (2010) - Abstract photograph showing the distorted outline of a tree and white foam in a puddle

This photograph reminds me of Christmas time – gently falling snow, short days, long nights made brighter by gleaming lights. In fact, it was made during a Spring thaw, of reflections in a walkway puddle blotted with foam. It reminds me of how far art can carry me from the everyday.

I remember glimpsing the deep winter through my camera as I crouched by the sidewalk, my shoes soaked with melt water. This is one of the things I love most about abstract photography – the unexpected instants when I am whisked away to some other time or some other place. It makes me feel very free, even in situations when the freedom isn't real.

— Blurred Reflections, Scattered Foam: Calgary, AB, Canada (2010)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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