Spiraled Yucca Fibres

Joshua Tree, CA (Artist Statement)

Spiraled Yucca Fibres: Joshua Tree, CA, USA (2008) - Fine art nature photograph of curled white yucca fibres, with a background of blurred yellow-green stems

I liked how quickly these white yucca fibres peeled off the rigid green stems and spiraled away on their own. The dried, dead parts seemed very free, like a teenager first leaving home, even from their sheltered existence in the shade of the parent.

I photographed the fibres very close up with a macro lens, using a wide aperture to create a shallow depth of field. Almost nothing is in focus, shifting attention to the swirls and swoops of the blurry white shapes, the beginnings of freedom, and the sense of frustrated movement. I like that the details are not important in this photograph, only the shapes, the washes of light, and the quiet colours.

— Spiraled Yucca Fibres: Joshua Tree, CA, USA (2008)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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