Silver Water, Floating Reeds

Near Princeton, BC (Artist Statement)

Silver Water, Floating Reeds: Near Princeton, BC, Canada (2006) - Fine art nature photograph of thick reeds lying on the silver surface of a pond with a pale wash of reflected sky and clouds in the background

The midday light was heavily filtered through dark rain clouds before glinting off the surface of this pond. The reflected sky took on an eerie silver-green monochrome, making these reeds look as if they were floating on liquid mercury.

I liked the cubist patterns the reeds made with themselves and their reflections – intersecting and aligning, chaotically but not randomly. The water was perfectly still, and it looked for all the world like the reeds had been floating like that for centuries, quiet shapes in an unsettled sky.

I like this photograph. Behind the lyrical pattern, there is a turbid glimpse of a living, breathing continuum.

— Silver Water, Floating Reeds: Near Princeton, BC, Canada (2006)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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