Alpine Grasses, Reflection Pool

Gwilliam Lakes, BC (Artist Statement)

Alpine Grasses, Reflection Pool: Gwilliam Lakes, BC, Canada (2005) - Fine art photograph of grasses surrounding an alpine water pool

This alpine scrub was spongy and tough, a thick network of moss and grass clotting the meadows around small rocks and boulders. My feet sunk into it past the ankles as I walked, but the hardy turf rebounded without showing a mark. Small pools of water had formed here and there, their smooth surfaces contrasting with the rough scrub.

I liked the shapes in this pool, particularly the relief with the edges of the frame. The evening sky forms a moody reflection, but I like the colour in the grass best. It looks healthy – strong and young and alive.

— Alpine Grasses, Reflection Pool: Gwilliam Lakes, BC, Canada (2005)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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