Cracked Concrete

Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Cracked Concrete: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005) - Abstract photograph showing graffiti and patterned cracks in concrete wall

A lot of very harsh, aggressive shapes had formed in this concrete wall. The cracks had filled with white lime, making the wall look like a stormy sky criss-crossed with lightning. The faded graffiti added a feeling of disorder and anarchy. It all looked very dangerous and chaotic.

I like this photograph because it reminds me of all the forgotten places – undersides of bridges, vacant lots, alleys – that can sometimes keep secrets better than anywhere else. I go to places like these with my camera often, never quite knowing what visual treasures I might uncover, what hidden beauty lies beneath the scaley skin of the monster.

— Cracked Concrete: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2005)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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