Orange Rock, Snowy Snag

Bryce Canyon, UT (Artist Statement)

Orange Rock, Snowy Snag: Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003) - Abstract photograph showing snow coating the branches of a dead snag at the bottom of a sandstone canyon

I was attracted to the contrast in this tree – the way the fresh dusting of snow drew delicate white lines over its form, and how the soft curves in the branches clashed with the sharp, broken rock. The light was very orange, reflected many times over from the red cliffs on its way to the bottom of the canyon.

I photographed it like a statue, showing the contrasts in shape and colour and the stoic shape of the determined tree growing deep in the bottom of the canyon. Shortly after I made the photograph, the sun came out, and the delicate spring snow melted quickly away.

— Orange Rock, Snowy Snag: Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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