Lichen, Falling Stones

Near Bryce Canyon, UT (Artist Statement)

Lichen, Falling Stones: Near Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003) - Fine art photograph of red stones cascading like water down a sandstone slope, surrounded by blue tinted lichen

This huge valley was formed of solid rock – massive waves of orange and red sculpted sandstone. Over centuries, torrential rain had formed the soft rock into ripples and creases, sometimes leaving small worn stones and sandy washes on the great slabs as evidence of its passing.

These pebbles were motionless in a shallow hollow, sitting unattached but undisturbed on the valley's rough surface. I framed this photograph loosely around the stones and lichen, using potential energy high in the frame to create a feeling of movement and flow.

To me, this photograph looks like a cascading current, the stones and lichen spilling down the side of the great valley like the water that will one day wash them away. The rushing, flowing feeling is accentuated by the gentle grooves that the real water carved into the rock over so many years.

— Lichen, Falling Stones: Near Bryce Canyon, UT, USA (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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