Gneiss, Reflection Pool

Shaha Bluffs, BC (Artist Statement)

Gneiss, Reflection Pool: Shaha Bluffs, BC, Canada (2003) - Fine art photograph of reflections in a pool of water, surrounded by textured rock

After a day of rock climbing, I hiked to the top of a nearby bluff. It had rained during the day, and it felt magnificent to stand there in the wind and sky watching the clearing rainclouds turn slowly to orange.

This photograph is about contrast, mostly, about emerging from the dark valley to stand in the clear evening air. The hard, structured rock contrasts with the clear water and the reflected clouds. The smooth orange in the clouds relieves the tough blue in the lichen. The pool of water will last for hours, while the rock will stand unchanged for millions of years.

— Gneiss, Reflection Pool: Shaha Bluffs, BC, Canada (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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