Alders, Blinds

Squamish, BC (Artist Statement)

Alders, Blinds: Squamish, BC, Canada (2003) - Abstract photograph of bent alder trees behind blurred venetian blinds

The blurred plastic blinds in this photograph create a subtle visual segue between the viewer and the bare trees in the background. There is a sense of looking through one's own window, any window, and seeing this solemn scene. There is a strong sense of movement, and of lost focus.

This is one of my favorite photographs. It makes me uneasy – it looks to me like the blinds are closing, rotating slowly on their cheap string hinges, blurring then blocking the beauty and complexity outside. Am I closing them? I'm not sure.

— Alders, Blinds: Squamish, BC, Canada (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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