Blooming Larch, Mountains

Manning Park, BC (Artist Statement)

Blooming Larch, Mountains: Manning Park, BC, Canada (2003) - Fine art nature photograph of a yellow larch tree against a rugged mountain background

This grove of high alpine larches was in full autumn display for only a week before the winter. A carpet of soft needles already coated the alpine scrub and patches of early season snow.

I photographed this small tree against the shaded scree slopes of a distant mountain, a giant valley dividing them. I liked the contrast of colour, and the contrast of the soft needles against the harsh rock. These two, the infant and the monster, could somehow make a life together.

Weeks later, this hillside was covered in snow, with only the grey larch trunks thrusting through like bare, knotted old man's hands.

— Blooming Larch, Mountains: Manning Park, BC, Canada (2003)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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