Graffiti, Shadows

Vancouver, BC (Artist Statement)

Graffiti, Shadows: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2001) - Abstract photograph showing graffiti and light patterns on a painted concrete wall

There is no denying the artistic power of graffiti, but more interesting to me are the patterns produced by graffiti removal techniques in gentrifying areas, especially by the "paint-over" method. I once saw a video piece entitled "The Unconscious Art of Graffiti Removal" which opened my eyes to the visual possibilities.

This white graffiti removal paint contrasted nicely with the stucco wall behind it. Thesun was skimming across the wall, accenting its textures and the shadows of the orphaned power cable sticking out of the side of the building. I included a bit of graffiti in the right of the frame, just to show how the whole thing got started.

— Graffiti, Shadows: Vancouver, BC, Canada (2001)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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