Industrial Disease Flowers

Calgary, AB (Artist Statement)

Industrial Disease Flowers: Calgary, AB, Canada (2000) - Abstract photograph of flash-lit potted flowers set against a dark, threatening urban background

This is the very first photograph I created of any real worth, made shortly after buying my first SLR camera. My technical skills were poor, but a basic understanding of composition was beginning to govern the major layout of my work.

Even though this photo is slightly soft and technically weak, the composition works to convey a certain sinister cheapness that I was unable to replicate for many years. The potted plants gleam sickly in the light from the small pop-up strobe, and the distant buildings add a rigid industrial feel to the small foreground.

Throughout my career as a photographer, small flashes of inspiration have always yielded better photographs than careful planning and spectacular locations combined. I consider this to be the first of many such inspirations.

— Industrial Disease Flowers: Calgary, AB, Canada (2000)

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© Mark Raymond Mason

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